Love at Home

With Valentine’s Day being just a few weeks away, I’m sure many of you are prepping your homes for the holiday of love. You may be caught up in thoughts of kind acts of service, flowers, date nights with the one you love, and cute ways to tell your kids you love them. If so–good for you! Although I’m a firm believer that love should be celebrated every day, I do like that there is a special day set apart that we can make our loved ones feel extra special.

I also think it is so important that we focus on keeping love in our homes at all times. When someone walks into your home, they should think, “Wow, this is a home where I can feel the love that the members of the family have for one another.” My husband and I have tried to make our home that way, and boy, I can tell you that when we aren’t being especially loving and kind (or we’re just being downright mean to each other), our home feels so much different. We have been trying to be more compassionate and loving so that our home can always maintain the Spirit.

Two LDS songs stuck out to me as I thought about printables to create for Valentine’s Day: “Love at Home” and “Love is Spoken Here.” Both have such amazing lyrics that inspire me to teach my children about righteous, Christlike love. I hope you can find a place in your home to display these printables as you share an added measure of love with your families this Valentine’s Day.

How has a loving home environment been a blessing to your family?

Download “Love at Homehere

Download “Love is Spoken Here” here.

(Remember this printable? I modified it for you in two colors for Valentine’s Day! Enjoy!)

Download pink love here.

Download purple love here.

For this printable (and one other version), click here.

6 thoughts on “Love at Home

  1. These will be a great addition for Valentines Day, although I will probably keep a couple of them up after the holiday because they are so cute, especially the “love at home” one! thanks for taking the time to make and share these.

  2. Hi! I just found your site. I just wanted to thank you! So many of us wish we knew how to make things like this, but since we don't, we appreciate your willingness to share. I seriously was almost brought to tears when I found what I was looking for on here! It will be the perfect addition to my lesson. Cant thank you enough for what you are doing! You are a missionary in your own right!:)

  3. I got the first one printed at Costco and I love it but it is like it was printed too close to the edges and a little bit of the outside letters were cut off…just didn't know if there is anything I can do about it!? THANKS!

  4. I'm so sorry you had problems printing it! I wonder if Costco accidentally zoomed or cropped the photo? The file is set up to have plenty of room around the edges for printing…Let me know if you want me to update the file and send you something different.

    Thanks to everyone for your support! Make sure to pin your favorite image and link your followers back here!

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