Real Happiness, Time, and Talents

In 2007, President Thomas. S. Monson gave a talk to students at a Brigham Young University devotional (click here to read it). As I read through it, I kept finding more and more quotes that I thought were so important for my life. I picked two of them to share with you today, and encourage you to read his talk and tell me more of your favorite quotes from it.

The first one says, “To find real happiness, we must seek for it in a focus outside ourselves.” I have found this to be SO true in my life. The more self-centered I become, the less happy I become. When I seek for happiness by helping others, doing service, or sharing the gospel, I am the most happy I can be. My life right now is full of happiness, REAL happiness, and I feel like it is because I am doing my best to serve others and make them happy.

The next quote says, “…your time is valuable, your talents are many, and your future is bright.” Our time on this earth really is valuable, because we only have a short time to live, and the seasons of our lives change so quickly. God expects us to make the best out of our time here, not only to learn the gospel and live it to the fullest, but also to enjoy the blessings that the world has to offer. We are each endowed with amazing talents and ways that we can bless others, and we need to wisely use our time to build our talents. Our future is bright, regardless of our life situations, because Christ has atoned for our sins and provided us a path back to God, including a promise that our bodies will be resurrected and perfected. That is the brightest future I could imagine!

I needed these sweet reminders, and hope to remind my children of them frequently. I desire to seek happiness and use my time and talents to build the Church.

How have you found happiness in a focus outside yourself?

What other quotes did you love from President Monson’s talk?

Download “Real Happiness” here.

Download “Your Future is Bright” here.

2 thoughts on “Real Happiness, Time, and Talents

  1. I tried to download these and I keep getting an error that says “Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.”
    I thought you would want to know.
    Thanks for sharing your talents!

  2. Hi Lene! I just tried the links and they worked for me. What browser are you using? Send me an email to ldsprintables@gmail and I'll send you both of the files! Thanks for letting me know!

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