Everlasting Beginnings

I’m pretty behind on my LDS Printables, but let me tell ya, life has been crazy around here! We are moving again (this will be the 8th time in the last 4 1/2 years), so my house is a tad bit chaotic. Hopefully things will settle down once we get into our new place and get unpacked.

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to email me or leave a comment of your favorite quotes from the April 2015 General Conference. I would love to hear the messages that stood out to you the most.

Today’s quote is from a talk given LAST April (2014) by Dieter F. Uchtdorf entitled “Grateful in Any Circumstances.” He says, “How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father that in His plan there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings.”

Aren’t you grateful for that knowledge, too? How else could we survive the trials and hardships of this life without this fact? I love knowing that NO MATTER WHAT happens in mortality, if we are keeping the commandments of God, I will with my family FOREVER. Everlasting beginnings…

How has this knowledge blessed your life?

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2 thoughts on “Everlasting Beginnings

  1. I am preparing for a YW in Excellence for Sept. 2015. Our theme is from Sis. Esplin's talk “Filling Our Homes With Light and Truth”. Each YW is to give a 1 minutes talk on how Personal Progress has helped her fill her home with Light and Truth. For a gift at the end of the evening, I bought frames at Walmart ($1.50) made in bright colors, turquoise, hot pink, hot green and purple. I have printed out some of your quotes to put in the frames. They look fantastic. Like the “as we draw near….” looks so good in the turquoise frame. I wondered if you could design a quote from that talk to go in the frame. I was going to have a variety of quotes,(I am using some of the quotes you have posted), they could choose one to take home to help fill their home with Light and truth. The design would need to be in any of those colors. One quote maybe, “God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be.” or ..”seek truth, live the truth we know, and share and defend the truth.” or …”As we fill our heats and homes with the Savior's light and truth, we will have the inner strength to with stand in every circumstance.” Thank you so much. I know some of these maybe way too long, if you can't do it maybe something from the next talk in the Ensign, called the Family is of God, or “Defenders of the Family Proclamation”..that has a quote, “there is no greater honor, no more elevated title, and no more important role in this life than that of mother or father.” Thank you so much. Let me know what you think. If these are too much or can't work let me know. I love your work. You do a great job and a huge service. Sonya

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