The Power to Work is a Gift

My friend posted a quote on Facebook some time ago, and it struck me as very important. I wrote it down and began to make a printable from it right away. With Labor Day coming up next weekend, I thought it would be a good time to share and discuss my thoughts on the quote.

President David O. McKay said, “Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that the power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success” (quoted by Franklin D. Richards, “The Gospel of Work,” Improvement Era, Dec. 1969, 101).

For anyone who cannot work, they can testify (maybe more than others) that the privilege to work is a gift. My father-in-law, for example, cannot work because of a disability caused by a terrible car accident, and he wishes every day that he could work. He wishes that he could support his family so that his wife didn’t have to work. He misses being productive and useful and building his talents and knowledge, and he has encouraged and taught his sons about the gift of work. There is so much freedom in this privilege–freedom from debt and stresses caused by lack of work, freedom from living off of the government or others, the freedom to grow and develop.

The power to work very much is a blessing. In the United States, we are given that power, that freedom. We can go get jobs to contribute to society, to earn a living, and to build up our country. We have a great responsibility because of that power–we are responsible to use our power to work to make the world a better place. Just like our baptismal and temple covenants require, we should use our power to do good and to bless the poor and needy. We need to use our power to work to empower others who may not know that they, too, can work hard and have a good life.

President McKay also said that the love of work is success. He didn’t say the love of your “job” or the love of your “tasks” or even the love of your “chores” is success, but he said the love of work is success. If we learn to love to work, to be productive, to use our bodies/minds/spirits for a good cause, then we will be successful. If one hates to work, one will not become successful. I know people who hate work and yet want success–it does not come to them. They wander aimlessly putting in as little effort as possible, wondering why they aren’t getting the results that they want. As a contrast, my husband is a very hard worker and loves to work. He enjoys physical labor as well as mental labor. He is studying to be a mechanical engineer, and he looks forward to working every day. Not only does he work hard at his job, but he works hard in his studies and works hard at home to help me keep the house and children in order. He loves work and because of that, he has found success to be his constant companion, and I have no doubt that he will the rest of his life.

Let us be grateful for every opportunity that we have to work. I hope that those who are searching for work will find chances to excel. I pray that those of you who don’t enjoy work will learn to love it, for hard work (although it may sound counterproductive) will give you the success and peace you long for.

Happy Labor Day!

What are some ideas you have for teaching your children the importance of hard work?

Download blue version here.

Download white version here.

4th of July Party Printables and Thoughts About Freedom

Have you found and visited the “I Dig Pinterest” blog yet? My friend, Christine, gathers ideas that she likes from Pinterest and then tries them out with her family. She posts her results, recipes, ideas, and creations there every week. Christine asked me to design some party printables for her readers and followers to help celebrate the 4th of July, so I created some cupcake toppers, a few food tent labels, and a banner that says “Let Freedom Ring” that you can print and decorate with–for FREE! Check out Christine’s original post here to see some other creative ideas for the cupcake toppers! Her ideas are so cute!

I think the 4th of July is such a great holiday. Besides the fact that my husband gets the day off to spend with the family, it’s a fantastic reminder of the freedoms and liberties that my family and I get to enjoy as citizens of the United States of America. We have the privilege to work, worship however we’d like, and have safety and protection in the towns and cities we live in.

Freedom is something that our Heavenly Father wants each of His children to have. The scriptures teach us that the Spirit of God is the spirit of freedom (Alma 61:15) and that if we follow Christ, we will be a free people (D&C 38:22). Moroni gloried in the freedom of his country (Alma 48:11), because he knew that his people would be more righteous and closer to Christ if they were able to have the freedom to worship. Many righteous people in the scriptures fought for their freedom, as well as soldiers who have fought for the freedoms in our time.

I am grateful for freedom. I am grateful for the independence of our beautiful country. Let freedom ring!

What are you doing to celebrate the 4th of July with your family?

My good friend already printed her banner and hung it on her mantel!

 Download all of the 4th of July party printables here!
(The printables are in .pdf format)

Let me know what you think, and feel free to share links to photos or posts about how you used these! Also, would you like to see more party printables? Leave me a comment below! And don’t forget to check out the “God Bless America” free 4th of July print here.

God Bless America

God Bless America. What more can I say? I desire the blessings of my Heavenly Father to be poured out upon this land that I live in and love. I pray for the safety of my country, as well as the safety of other countries. The USA is not above the rest–we know that all men are created equal. Safety, liberty, and happiness should be granted to all citizens in whatever land they may live in.

I am grateful that our Founding Fathers believed in God and implemented freedoms in the Constitution that have allowed me to worship as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that they were inspired men. I pray that our political leaders will remember the freedoms that we were given because of faith in God, and pray that God’s name will never be removed from our hearts as Americans.

How has the freedom to worship blessed your life?

Download here.