Fear and Faith Cannot Coexist

It is so easy to get discouraged, isn’t it? For me, it is far too easy to fear the future, to fear getting through the day, to fear an event…anything! My family is preparing for a potential move across the country, which would take us away from our extended family and close friends and put us in a completely unfamiliar place. I have allowed fear to enter my heart so many times with questions like, “How can I do it?” and, “How can we afford it?” and, “Why would we leave this place where we are so comfortable?” I try to make a little room for faith, knowing that God has a plan for me and my family and that everything will probably be fine, but my fears push it out much too quickly.

In a talk entitled “You Know Enough,” Elder Neil L. Andersen said, “Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time.”

I know what he said is true, but that doesn’t make it less difficult to push out the fears and have complete faith, especially when everything looks so uncertain or unfamiliar…or scary. However, I know there have been times in my life (my mission, getting married, having kids, etc.) where there were plenty of fears that could have overcome me, but my faith was so much stronger.

Maybe I just need to do things to gain a little more faith. 🙂

I often think about the apostle Peter, who once walked on water because he trusted Christ so much, but then began to sink because he let fear enter his heart. What made him stop believing? What was it that caused him to doubt the Savior, who was right in front of him? Perhaps it was a lesson to him, an opportunity to reach his hand out to the Savior and cry for help to save his life, which maybe we all need at some point. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have as much faith as Peter started out with?

What do you do to keep your fears out of your heart so there is room for faith?

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Saturday Session Highlights – October General Conference 2013

Over the last few days, I prayed about certain topics and doctrines that I hoped would be addressed in General Conference. As a fulfillment to MANY of the words of the prophets and apostles telling us to come prepared with questions, my pleas to God were heard and ALL of my questions were answered in today’s two sessions of General Conference. Most of the questions were answered in one talk. I was shocked, astounded, humbled, and grateful. I know that God follows through with His promises if we do what we are told, and I am ever so grateful and blessed for heeding the words of the prophets.

I was richly blessed and rewarded today, and my life will improve in ways I didn’t think were possible. I am filled with joy and gratitude for living prophets and apostles who seek the Lord’s guidance to share with us the things that we need to know.

There were many talks that touched me, and I have created a few printables (in totally different styles…I’ve been experimenting lately) with some of my favorite quotes (and I’ll be honest…I’ll probably come back and add more!):

“A grateful person is rich in contentment.” – David A. Bednar
“In the service of the Lord, it is not where we serve, but how.” – Edward Dube
“Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“It is impossible to fail when you do your best and when you are on the Lord’s errand.” – M. Russell Ballard

We are infinitely more than our limitations and our afflictions.” – Jeffrey R. Holland
**See the Sunday General Conference printables here.**

What were your favorite talks and quotes from Saturday’s conference sessions?

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Download above image here.

Download above image here.

Download above image here.

Download above image here.

 Also, don’t forget to watch the Sunday sessions of General Conference live on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at this link here. You won’t want to miss it. Make sure to check back here for more free printables from conference.

Family Time is Sacred

My life has felt extra crazy these last few weeks. I had my baby boy a month ago, my toddler got more messy and needy, my husband got extra busy with work and school, and then we found out that his summer internship wanted us to come 7 weeks early. That shocker has changed everything for us. Not only did we have to give up our apartment that we love in a ward that we love, but we have to move out of state to a place where we don’t know anyone, as well as find a new place to live when we get back. Between my late-night feedings (and every two hours during the day) with the baby, my husband’s all-nighters at the school to get his projects finished and finals studied for, our regular school/work/kids schedules, and packing for our big move, we haven’t had much time as a family. In fact, we only have gotten a few precious minutes of time in the same room.

Needless to say, we’re all feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed.

However, we have a hope for our near future. As soon as my husband’s finals are finished, he gets to be with us 24/7 for a week or so until the internship starts. We’ll finish packing, move to our new summer home, and then he will start his internship. Family time will be normalized once again. Every morning we’ll be together, and after work we will all be together for dinner and the rest of the evening. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have every night with my family together! I love my little family!

When a friend recently requested a quote from the April 2012 General Conference, I jumped on the opportunity. This quote by Boyd K. Packer is one that I love, and one that I hope I can become even better at living.

“Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected.”

We all need family time. Whether or not we notice it each day, the time spent with our families completes us and builds us up. Even if the time we spend together isn’t necessarily fun or exciting, we are growing as a unit and strengthening each other.  I need to be much better at being with my family when we are together too–not being on the computer, on the phone, or finishing projects all the time, claiming that we are “together” simply because we are in the same home. I just need to sit, talk, cuddle, and play with my husband and children without other distractions.

I am so grateful to be a member of the true church of Christ and to have prophets and apostles who teach me how to be a better mom and wife. I am grateful for wise counsel to cling to the values that are most important – family and the gospel.

How do you make sure that you are protecting and respecting your family time?

Download vertical version here.
Download horizontal version here.

By the way…did you know that I re-did my “Stop It” printable from the April 2012 General Conference? I had to–I was so embarrassed at my first attempt! Click here to download the newest version right now!