Give Thanks

Do you ever forget to be grateful? No? Okay, it’s probably just me. I often forget to thank my Heavenly Father for all of the amazing things He does for me and gives me. It crossed my mind today, as I was contemplating how safely my family drove to and from our morning destinations, that the Lord helped me out so many times and I never thanked Him. (That quickly changed!)

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. Ps. 92:1
In honor of the upcoming month of November that is typically focused on gratitude, I wanted to give everyone the chance to hang this 5×7 print in their homes to remember to be grateful and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all He offers. It is a good thing to teach our children, and a good thing to remember to do ourselves. I am so grateful that we can pray to God and thank Him personally for the things we are most thankful for.
I hope to be able to post a few more Thanksgiving printables this month and would love to hear any scriptures or LDS quotes that you would like to see made up. I’ll try to do at least two more!

How do you teach your children to give thanks to the Lord?

Download here.

I cut mine down and added it to a frame in my wreath. Forgive my feet and shoes strewn about.

If you are looking for other ideas already on my site, I also have another gratitude quote here.

Saturday Session Highlights – October General Conference 2013

Over the last few days, I prayed about certain topics and doctrines that I hoped would be addressed in General Conference. As a fulfillment to MANY of the words of the prophets and apostles telling us to come prepared with questions, my pleas to God were heard and ALL of my questions were answered in today’s two sessions of General Conference. Most of the questions were answered in one talk. I was shocked, astounded, humbled, and grateful. I know that God follows through with His promises if we do what we are told, and I am ever so grateful and blessed for heeding the words of the prophets.

I was richly blessed and rewarded today, and my life will improve in ways I didn’t think were possible. I am filled with joy and gratitude for living prophets and apostles who seek the Lord’s guidance to share with us the things that we need to know.

There were many talks that touched me, and I have created a few printables (in totally different styles…I’ve been experimenting lately) with some of my favorite quotes (and I’ll be honest…I’ll probably come back and add more!):

“A grateful person is rich in contentment.” – David A. Bednar
“In the service of the Lord, it is not where we serve, but how.” – Edward Dube
“Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“It is impossible to fail when you do your best and when you are on the Lord’s errand.” – M. Russell Ballard

We are infinitely more than our limitations and our afflictions.” – Jeffrey R. Holland
**See the Sunday General Conference printables here.**

What were your favorite talks and quotes from Saturday’s conference sessions?

Download above image here.

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Download above image here.

 Also, don’t forget to watch the Sunday sessions of General Conference live on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at this link here. You won’t want to miss it. Make sure to check back here for more free printables from conference.

General Relief Society Broadcast 2013 Thoughts

I’m not going to lie…I didn’t catch much of the General Relief Society broadcast last night. I had plans to watch with my mother and sisters, but the stomach flu overcame me and my children, so our plans turned into crackers, water, and sleeping near the toilet. Not much of a glamorous or spiritual evening like I was hoping for. 😦

However, I did listen to the broadcast this morning (since I couldn’t make it to church either…dang flu! Go away!) and was amazed at the importance of the messages for me in my life right now. Note after note, spiritual revelation after revelation, I learned what Heavenly Father wanted me to learn this morning.

I loved the focus of making and keeping covenants. I loved that we were taught how to teach our children to keep simple promises to prepare to make baptismal and temple covenants. I appreciated how much love I felt from the sisters and from President Monson, and how reassuring their words of peace and comfort were. I learned that when I am struggling with loving or serving one of my sisters (in RS or elsewhere), I need to turn to Heavenly Father to ask Him what I should do; after all, these women are His children and He knows their needs.

Here are three quotes that stood out to me in particular this morning:

“We go to the temple to make covenants with Heavenly Father. We return home to keep them.”

“You aren’t tied down any more. You are free.”

“Keeping covenants is essential for true happiness.”

I have been experiencing some discouragement in my life, feeling like I will never have the true happiness that I desire. The talks I heard today reminded me that I can have the true happiness I want and seek for as I keep my covenants. I keep them, in the sense that I don’t to anything “wrong” in my life, but I know I can magnify my talents and abilities and serve more and truly keep my covenants. I need to put my covenant-keeping as a priority and attend the temple more. I am not tied down by my sins or problems of the past; I am free to live the life that God has given me and achieve my full potential.

I know that our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, is a true prophet of God. I know that the Relief Society presidency has been called by revelation to inspire, uplift, and teach the women of the Church how to be more Christlike and more obedient. I know that the Spirit of God was present during the broadcast, and I am humbled by the things He taught me. I know that the Church is true.

What messages stood out to you the most during the broadcast?

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This print is now also available in blue.

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The print above below is now also available in blue.
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New color version of above print available.

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