Come Unto Christ

I love the Book of Mormon. One of the greatest messages that stands out to me as I read is the call for us as individuals to come unto Christ. That message was the youth theme last year, and I’m sure that the youth were so blessed by the teachings they received that catered to the Savior. As I study the life of Christ, I see over and over again how much He desires each of us to follow Him, be like Him, and believe in Him.

In Omni 1:26 we read, “And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.”

I love how this scripture outlines that coming to Christ is the way to have salvation and redemption. It also explains that we have to continue to believe, fast, pray, and endure throughout our lives to fully partake of His salvation. It is a great reminder that our faith requires a little bit of a sacrifice on our part–essentially, He wants our “whole souls.” The more I have tried to offer my whole soul to the Savior, the more peace and freedom I have felt in my life, and the closer I have felt to the Redeemer.

I am so grateful for the wisdom and knowledge I gain as I read the scriptures, and I have a strong testimony of the love of Christ. I hope and pray that we can all grow closer to Him this year, that we may experience His salvation.

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Bad Days Will Come to an End

Hello friends! It has been awhile since I have posted a printable–sorry! Life has been so crazy and busy and full that I have not had much time to sit down and ponder on my next free print. My husband graduated from college and we moved across the country for an internship, so I’m in a new place with new friends and a new lifestyle, and I haven’t quite gotten a routine down yet! A new friend of mine found out that I was the woman behind LDS Printables, and chastised me (humorously) for not posting for such a long time. So here I am again, with a brand new print and some thoughts on a wonderful talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

In a talk given to BYU students in 2008, Elder Holland shared his thoughts, testimony, and feelings about Liberty Jail and the prophet Joseph Smith’s experiences there. I don’t know about you, but every time I hear or read something written by Elder Holland, I can feel his testimony. It is so profound and so real. I loved this quote about how our own “Liberty Jail” experiences can bless each of us:

“…you can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experiences with the Lord in any situation you are in. Indeed, you can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experiences with the Lord in the most miserable experiences of your life—in the worst settings, while enduring the most painful injustices, when facing the most insurmountable odds and opposition you have ever faced.”

I believe that this is true. I have been in some of those horrible settings, and I have experienced some of the most sacred and beautiful spiritual moments and joys during them. At this point in my life, I am not living in a “miserable” experience, but all times in life can present their shares of hardships. It is reaffirming to me to know that I truly can still have amazing experiences and receive great revelation when life isn’t perfect.

Also in this talk, Elder Holland bears a wonderful testimony, which is the quote on this printable today: “I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept.”

I am so grateful for living and past prophets and apostles who have taught us the Lord’s true gospel and way for obtaining eternal happiness. I know that God WILL keep His heavenly promises!

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All About Easter

Easter is coming in the middle of all of my life craziness: my husband graduates from college, we are going on our honeymoon (finally–we’ve been married for over three years and have 2.5 kids…), and we are moving across the country for the summer, so before all of the above happens, we have to be moved out of our rental and have everything cleaned. We are in for a lot of busy happiness!

I want to start to celebrate Easter NOW so that I am not too overwhelmed on Easter Sunday to truly worship my Savior. It is He that we celebrate on Easter; not a bunny, not an egg hunt, not decorations or candy or baskets; we joy in Christ the Lord.

Easter to me is about the atonement. It is about the resurrection. It is about the love that one divine Man had for me and for my fellow mankind–the love that was so strong and so powerful that it overcame death itself. Easter is a day to extend our gratitude to the One who gave it all.

I am so grateful for Christ and for His sacrifice for us. I know that He lives, and that we all will live again because of His resurrection. I am glad that as Christians we celebrate Him on Easter and have the chance to be more like Him and recommit ourselves to following His teachings.

(Having said all this, I still plan to do an Easter egg hunt and Easter baskets for my kids, but I will do those things on the day before Easter, not on Easter Sunday. What kind of LDS trinkets or things do you put in your kids’ Easter baskets?? I need ideas!)

Have a wonderful Easter, and enjoy these two Easter subway art prints!

How do you and your family remember to keep Christ as the focus on Easter?

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