Inspiration and Motivation – Sunday General Conference Quotes

After hearing such amazing talks during Saturday’s General Conference sessions (see the printables I created from them here! You won’t want to miss out!), I was ready for lots more inspiration and motivation on Sunday…and boy, did I receive it!

I am always drawn to Elder Uchtdorf’s talks. I feel like he understands the hearts of women in a very deep way, and that he speaks to my heart directly every time. He reminded me on Sunday that I need to draw nearer to God and seek out His light and truth. It doesn’t matter how lazy I have gotten, how un-spiritual I am at times, or how many mistakes I make–I can return to the light and become better than ever.

I also really loved the talk by Elder Enrique R. Falabella of the Seventy. He reminded me of things I can improve on as a mother and as the matriarch of my home. I appreciated the reminder to hug my children, make them happy, and be a good example of Christlike living. It was very good that he also reminded me to not be one who gets involved with contention, especially with my husband.

There were so many inspirational messages shared. We are so blessed to have a living prophet and apostles, and I hope I can remember and apply the things I learned.

Keep checking back for more General Conference printables! I’m still working on a bunch of messages from Sunday and Saturday!

What was your favorite talk given on Sunday? Why?

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