Fear and Faith Cannot Coexist

It is so easy to get discouraged, isn’t it? For me, it is far too easy to fear the future, to fear getting through the day, to fear an event…anything! My family is preparing for a potential move across the country, which would take us away from our extended family and close friends and put us in a completely unfamiliar place. I have allowed fear to enter my heart so many times with questions like, “How can I do it?” and, “How can we afford it?” and, “Why would we leave this place where we are so comfortable?” I try to make a little room for faith, knowing that God has a plan for me and my family and that everything will probably be fine, but my fears push it out much too quickly.

In a talk entitled “You Know Enough,” Elder Neil L. Andersen said, “Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time.”

I know what he said is true, but that doesn’t make it less difficult to push out the fears and have complete faith, especially when everything looks so uncertain or unfamiliar…or scary. However, I know there have been times in my life (my mission, getting married, having kids, etc.) where there were plenty of fears that could have overcome me, but my faith was so much stronger.

Maybe I just need to do things to gain a little more faith. 🙂

I often think about the apostle Peter, who once walked on water because he trusted Christ so much, but then began to sink because he let fear enter his heart. What made him stop believing? What was it that caused him to doubt the Savior, who was right in front of him? Perhaps it was a lesson to him, an opportunity to reach his hand out to the Savior and cry for help to save his life, which maybe we all need at some point. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have as much faith as Peter started out with?

What do you do to keep your fears out of your heart so there is room for faith?

Download here.

A Heart in Christ

Valentine’s Day is next week! I have to admit, I am really getting excited. I have been doing 14 days of gifts for my husband to celebrate our love this month, and some days I include cute notes and have great things planned…aaannndddd some days (around 9 pm or so), I realize I forgot to give him a gift and grab the next one on my list and say, “Happy Day 4.” Haha. He still loves it, and loves the goodies and surprises he has been getting.

For Valentine’s Day, my hubby and I got a gift card so we can actually go out to dinner, and my younger brother asked my baby girl to be his “Valentine” that night (aka. I have a free baby-sitter!). Then during the weekend, we are hosting a belated Valentine’s Day dinner and group date with some friends. My baby boy is due next month, so I figured I might as well load up February with as many fun things to do as I can before the baby takes charge!

I mention these things only because I feel like they are pertinent to my real message today.

I recently read a quote by Maya Angelou that said, “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.”

My husband has often told me that he felt this way about me when we were first dating, and he sought to be a more righteous man so that he could not only be “worthy of my love” (his thoughts, not mine!), and also so that he could be a better man, husband, and father. As he sought to be closer to Christ, even though his relationship with Him was already wonderful, I grew to love him even more because I saw in him a man committed to doing what was right.

As a wife and mother now, I realize that I need to continue to develop my relationship with the Savior and give Him all of my heart so that I can do what is best for my family. My heart should still be hidden in Christ, yet all should be able to see the positive effect it has on me and those around me. I pray that my husband and I will be able to commit our whole selves to serving the Lord, and that my children will see our examples and see how much we love our Savior.

(Just a side note- I really love the new trend of chalkboard art printables, so I am going to try and do my next few quotes and printables in this style. What do you think about it? Yay or nay for home decorating? I’d love to hear your thoughts!)

What does this quote mean to you this Valentine’s Day?

 Download here.