Loving Words

Lately, I have noticed an unfortunate trend in our society–-so many people are eager to say something cruel, harsh, negative, or controversial. They want to be the first to gossip about, make fun of, or criticize others and their decisions. Especially with the ability to hide behind a social media profile, people are saying anything that comes to their minds. It is definitely a trend that I do NOT want to be a part of.

When I think about the Savior, I think of all the good and kind things He had to say. He taught truth and lived truth. He kept His mouth shut at times, reprimanded in love at other times, but mostly told people how much He loved them and desired for them to return to live with Heavenly Father. Christ spoke with charity, setting an example for us to do the same.

Next time you are itching to post a negative comment on a friend’s status update, share your opinion about an outfit a certain person was wearing, or even speak with your children who may be frustrating you, remember the words of a familiar hymn: “Perhaps today there are loving words which Jesus would have me speak.”

You may never know how much good you will do by sharing a kind and loving word. But I can almost assure you that you won’t ever regret choosing loving words over unkind words.

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Teach Me to Walk in the Light

There are SO many things I am learning as my children grow older. One thing my two-year-old daughter is teaching me is that she listens to EVERYTHING I say. Literally. She may not lead on that she can hear me, but she memorizes the things I say and do, and later, she does or says the same things. For example, I put her down for her nap and listened to her talk to herself for a little while. She said, among many other random things, “Bubble spaghetti? No, that’s not an option.” I have never heard her say, “That’s not an option,” but I say it to her often. I never thought she would pick up on that!

It made me wonder what else I am saying or doing that she is picking up on…

My 10-month-old son has recently started trying to fold his arms for prayers, which surprised us. We had never “taught” him to fold his arms, or even asked him to try. He watched, observed, and copied. This is another lesson to me.

A Children’s Songbook hymn that I love is “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” by Clara W. McMaster. The lyrics are so important, especially to anyone who could possibly be an example to a child or younger person.

Teach me to walk in the light of His love;

Teach me to pray to my Father above;
Teach me to know of the things that are right;
Teach me, teach me to walk in the light.

I hope that I am teaching my children to walk in the light of His love; I hope they are learning from my husband and I how to pray to and have a relationship with their Father above; I hope they are learning what is good and right from our examples. I am going to make a more conscious effort to say and do things that will teach my children how to follow their Father in Heaven.

What things have your children picked up on that you do?

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Pink versions are also available now!

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Just In Time For Christmas – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

My, oh my, how the month has flown. It is nearly halfway over, and Christmas is a mere 11 days away. I am entirely unprepared in the temporal matters (I still haven’t hung up my 7 boxes of Christmas lights around the house or bought all of the gifts I intend to give to my children), but my heart is full and prepared in spiritual matters.

My children happily play with their nativity set as I reflect upon the glorious hope that Christ brings to our hearts during the Christmas season. His love brings warmth during the coldest time of year, and joy can be felt as we look at the snow falling (watching the Weather Channel counts if you don’t have snow locally, haha), visit with family and friends, read the Biblical account of Christ’s birth, and sing Christmas carols.

One of my favorite carols is, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” I love the way it reminds us of the glory of the Son of God. His birth was so important that a host of angels sang glory and praise to His name. Christ truly was born in Bethlehem.

May you have peace in your heart this Christmas season as you prepare your spiritual self for the wonder and awe of the birth of the Savior. And I’m sure most of you have decorated and done your visiting teaching…but if you haven’t…here’s a free printable that you can quickly print up and share or hang up!

Merry Christmas!

Download here.