General Relief Society Broadcast 2013 Thoughts

I’m not going to lie…I didn’t catch much of the General Relief Society broadcast last night. I had plans to watch with my mother and sisters, but the stomach flu overcame me and my children, so our plans turned into crackers, water, and sleeping near the toilet. Not much of a glamorous or spiritual evening like I was hoping for. 😦

However, I did listen to the broadcast this morning (since I couldn’t make it to church either…dang flu! Go away!) and was amazed at the importance of the messages for me in my life right now. Note after note, spiritual revelation after revelation, I learned what Heavenly Father wanted me to learn this morning.

I loved the focus of making and keeping covenants. I loved that we were taught how to teach our children to keep simple promises to prepare to make baptismal and temple covenants. I appreciated how much love I felt from the sisters and from President Monson, and how reassuring their words of peace and comfort were. I learned that when I am struggling with loving or serving one of my sisters (in RS or elsewhere), I need to turn to Heavenly Father to ask Him what I should do; after all, these women are His children and He knows their needs.

Here are three quotes that stood out to me in particular this morning:

“We go to the temple to make covenants with Heavenly Father. We return home to keep them.”

“You aren’t tied down any more. You are free.”

“Keeping covenants is essential for true happiness.”

I have been experiencing some discouragement in my life, feeling like I will never have the true happiness that I desire. The talks I heard today reminded me that I can have the true happiness I want and seek for as I keep my covenants. I keep them, in the sense that I don’t to anything “wrong” in my life, but I know I can magnify my talents and abilities and serve more and truly keep my covenants. I need to put my covenant-keeping as a priority and attend the temple more. I am not tied down by my sins or problems of the past; I am free to live the life that God has given me and achieve my full potential.

I know that our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, is a true prophet of God. I know that the Relief Society presidency has been called by revelation to inspire, uplift, and teach the women of the Church how to be more Christlike and more obedient. I know that the Spirit of God was present during the broadcast, and I am humbled by the things He taught me. I know that the Church is true.

What messages stood out to you the most during the broadcast?

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A New Year – Visit Teach!

Happy New Year everyone! My husband and I are lame and were asleep before midnight last night (I blame it on the pregnancy and the busy 1 year old), but we still made sure to tell each other our New Year’s resolutions.

This year, I am committed to doing 3 things: eating healthier, making my family my highest priority, and being a 100% visiting teacher.

I have teetered back and forth throughout my adult life with my consistency in visiting teaching. I have a very strong testimony about it and I have seen the joys that it brings, but there were just certain times in my life where it was not a high priority. That has changed over the last two years since I got married, and I am so glad that I have the privilege of being a visiting teacher.

The visiting teaching message this month is all about missionary work. As a returned missionary, I know the importance of members working with their friends and family to help them understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. I saw miracles happen as people reached out and shared their testimonies with others, and they saw the blessings their families received. The quote I chose from the message this month is by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

“The Lord…entrusts a testimony of the truth to those who will share it with others.”

I believe that is true. I know that our testimonies grow as we share them, and I know that the members of Relief Society have the duty to help save souls. Souls are saved as we share the saving truths of the gospel.

How has your testimony grown as you have shared it with others?

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Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

I was blessed to be able to attend the General Relief Society meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday night in the Conference Center. It was an amazing experience. (If you missed it, click here to watch/read/download the messages and music.) The building, with over 21,000 female attendees, fell silent in reverence and respect the moment our beloved prophet walked into the room. My heart filled with testimony from the Spirit that Thomas S. Monson truly is the Lord’s mouthpiece here on the earth. What a blessing it was to hear talks and wisdom from those whom he has called through the Lord’s inspiration. I was edified and uplifted and certainly learned a lot about ways I can improve.

In our Sacrament services on Sunday, the focus was preparing our hearts to hear the prophet, apostles, general authorities, and other chosen leaders speak during the upcoming General Conference. During Conference, you can learn about the basics of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as receive many answers to questions that you may be pondering deep within your heart. I know that as I have prepared my heart and spirit to listen and apply the messages of conference, my life has been richly blessed and I have found wisdom and answers and guidance that I desperately needed.

My invitation to each of you is simple: Come, listen to a prophet’s voice. Find out for yourself the words that the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would have you hear. Invite your friends, neighbors, family members, strangers, and other loved ones to listen and pray. Spread the good news that there is a living prophet on Earth who desires to share the message of salvation to everyone in the world, and all are invited to hear and feel of his love for the Savior. Come, listen to a prophet’s voice.

Click here for all of the information about the session times and dates, as well as links to watch online or visit the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

This week, my husband and I are trying to incorporate more spiritual things into our daily routines as we try and prepare for this weekend. We will have gospel music and hymns playing in our home softly all day. We will pray for people to invite to watch Conference with us. We will share our testimonies with one another and read previous Conference talks. We plan to limit all activities this weekend to only spiritual and uplifting things, and not recreation or entertainment.

What are some ways that you are preparing yourself for General Conference?

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