I Love Winter

I really enjoy the winter. I’m not a “winter” person by nature (I grew up near the beach and far preferred it over the snowy days in the mountains), but after my mission and as I have gotten older, I appreciate the snow and the cold in a different way. I love watching my kids play in the snow and throw snowballs and build snowmen. I love seeing their little noses and cheeks turn red, and I love how beautiful the snow makes everything look.

The snow is melting quickly here, although I anticipate that we will get a lot more this winter. I’m hoping we do! (My yard looks horrible without it! Haha)

The first scripture that comes to mind when I think of winter and snow is Isaiah 1:18Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

I am so grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ that promises us that WE CAN BE FORGIVEN of our sins. To know that they can all be washed away, that they can be “as white as snow” again, is one of the most beautiful blessings I could ever imagine. I hope that my children learn and appreciate the symbolism of snow through the winter season.

What is your favorite part about winter?

Download here.
This print goes with a set of three other prints: “I Love Spring,” “I Love Summer,” and “I Love Fall.” Get one for every season!

Just In Time For Christmas – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

My, oh my, how the month has flown. It is nearly halfway over, and Christmas is a mere 11 days away. I am entirely unprepared in the temporal matters (I still haven’t hung up my 7 boxes of Christmas lights around the house or bought all of the gifts I intend to give to my children), but my heart is full and prepared in spiritual matters.

My children happily play with their nativity set as I reflect upon the glorious hope that Christ brings to our hearts during the Christmas season. His love brings warmth during the coldest time of year, and joy can be felt as we look at the snow falling (watching the Weather Channel counts if you don’t have snow locally, haha), visit with family and friends, read the Biblical account of Christ’s birth, and sing Christmas carols.

One of my favorite carols is, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” I love the way it reminds us of the glory of the Son of God. His birth was so important that a host of angels sang glory and praise to His name. Christ truly was born in Bethlehem.

May you have peace in your heart this Christmas season as you prepare your spiritual self for the wonder and awe of the birth of the Savior. And I’m sure most of you have decorated and done your visiting teaching…but if you haven’t…here’s a free printable that you can quickly print up and share or hang up!

Merry Christmas!

Download here.

Welcome to My Favorite Season

I know I’m a few days late welcoming my favorite season, but I’ve been enjoying the fall so much already that I practically forgot to share a new printable with you! This printable coordinates with my other seasonal printables (get spring and summer here – and winter will come in a few months!) and will be a great addition to your fall mantel and decor.

What LDS topics come to your mind during the autumn season? The doctrine of the fall? Thanksgiving and praising God? Change?

For me, the doctrine of the fall comes to mind. I love that we know that, because of the fall, our Savior Jesus Christ came to the earth to redeem and give us a way to come back to Him and to our Heavenly Father. I’m grateful that we can learn and grow, make mistakes, repent from them, and be made clean. “Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:27). I will do my best to remember Christ and find joy during this wonderful “fall” we have been blessed with!

What do you love most about the fall season?

Download here.