Belated General Conference Printables – April 2014

It can’t really be the end of June already…can it?? I had so many plans to get these General Conference quotes up during conference weekend. Sigh. Unfortunately, moving across the country with two toddlers consumed my life for the last few months! Oh well! Better late than never, right?

I am very grateful for living prophets and apostles who guide us in this crazy world that we live in. I trust that they have our best interests at heart, and I trust that they will approach the Lord to receive the teachings we need in our day and in our time. I know that God lives and that Christ is the head of the Church, and that He reveals His doctrine through the living prophet. I feel blessed to have been able to listen to conference and learn more about all of the things I should be doing better in my life, and to restore my hope and faith in my Savior and His plan for me and my family.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the April 2014 LDS General Conference (in no particular order):

“Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world.”

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Henry B. Eyring – A Priceless Heritage of Hope
“…you hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can now imagine.”

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Neil. L. Andersen – Spiritual Whirlwinds
“Families are the treasure of heaven.”

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President Thomas S. Monson, quoting Jabari Parker’s father
“Just be the same person you are in the dark that you are in the light.”
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Dieter F. Uchtdorf – Grateful in Any Circumstance
“Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes”

 Download above image here.
(I’m hoping to post some more quotes soon…but don’t hold your breath. My memory is shot these days with my pregnant brain!)

What were some of your favorite quotes that I missed? I’d love your suggestions~!

Make the Effort

It is SO easy to put off goals, even if they are important to us. I’ve mentioned it before in a few different posts (click here for another good quote on goals).

Lately, I have had to set more goals than ever. Dealing with some tough family and personal stresses, I have had to sit down with my husband and make a list of things we want to accomplish each week. This list isn’t just tasks, but behaviors, mentalities, and character improvements. We break down our goals into smaller goals and then meet weekly to go over them to evaluate how we did that week. We mark them red (if we failed), yellow (if we did okay), or green (if we did great).

This method has helped me turn most of my weekly goals into greens. But it has been TOUGH! Not only do I have to think constantly of my goals, but then I have to act upon them and actually DO something about them. And oh boy, am I so grateful and so much happier now that I have been doing this.

President Thomas S. Monson said, “It is not enough to want to make the effort and to say we’ll make the effort…it’s in the doing, not just the thinking, that we accomplish our goals. If we constantly put our goals off, we will never see them fulfilled.”

I am grateful for a prophet who teaches us that we can become the people we want to be, as well as accomplish the things that are important to us.

How do you follow through with the goals you set?

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House of Order – Time For Christ

Do you ever feel like your life is so crazy and your home is so chaotic that you can’t even function? That has been my story for the last month and a half. This morning I finally got some important projects around the house completed (they have been haunting me daily), and I already feel like my home is more peaceful. I’m trying to get everything in order from our move last month, but it’s proving to be more difficult than I expected. Hopefully it will be done soon!

However, I know some of the chaos will continue despite my best efforts. I am running three blogs, I take care of my two busy kids, and I am helping my father build some new businesses. I am also in charge of my whole household, as my husband is in school full-time and works two jobs, which means he is rarely home. Add church callings, family, grad school applications, and a few sicknesses in there, and we’ve got a whole bunch of craziness in our place.

Today’s printable quote is a great reminder to me that I need to have more order in my home and in my life. It reminds me to have a balance in all things, but to have a greater priority.

“Our house is to be a house of order...Let us provide time for family, time for work, time for study, time for service, time for recreation, time for self—but above all, time for Christ.” – Thomas S. Monson (Click here to read this talk.)

I feel like all of the stresses in my life have been overshadowing my time for Christ. I still read scriptures, pray, try to read/listen to Conference talks, attend church, etc., but I don’t have a lot of down or quiet time to just sit and think or study of Christ and reflect upon His role and influence in my life. I need more of that time. I need to prioritize better and focus on the things that truly matter most.

I am grateful for living prophets who testify to us of the simple truths that we need to remember to live happy lives and prepare ourselves to return and live with God again someday. I know Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet who leads the true church of Christ on the earth.

How do you keep your house and life in order? 

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