Freedom = Peace on Earth

While I was thinking about how much I love America and humming “America the Beautiful,” I was looking for inspiring quotes from latter-day prophets about how the United States is an amazing place. I really wanted something that talked about the blessing of our freedom in this great nation, and I wanted it specifically to be something that could be used for the 4th of July (Wednesday!).

As my husband and I searched and pondered, we found this awesome quote by none other than our prophet dear, President Thomas S. Monson: “When we safeguard (the heavenly virtue of freedom), when we honor it, when we protect it, we will walk with Washington, we will pray with patriots, and we shall have peace on earth, good will to men.

What wonderful promises from our prophet! If we honor and protect the freedom of our country, we can truly attain peace. I love the thought of praying with patriots–men and women who fought for our freedom in days past, and those who fight in days present. My prayers are with those patriots as I thank God for this beautiful land in which we can worship Him!

I am a patriot of the United States of America. Happy 4th of July everyone!

Today I have 3 different color versions of this free printable for you to download, print, and share! Red, white, or blue (of course!). Take one, take two, or take them all!

How has being a patriot affected the decisions you have made in your life?

Download blue here.

Download red here.

Download white here.

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